Noise Music Links Directory

Why should you donate?

If you want to make a donation to support the development, maintenance and hosting of this site, I would be very grateful — any support is welcome. There are numerous reasons why you might want to do this. The most obvious ones that jump to my mind are:

  • You want to recognise the months of research and maintenance I put into this site.
  • You want to support future research, maintenance and development of this site.
  • You appreciate the exposure that your project or label gains through this site.
  • You want to keep this site free from obnoxious and unsightly advertising.
  • You crave that warm, fuzzy feeling that comes from giving me a warm, fuzzy feeling (by means of a donation).
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What or how much should you donate?

The easiest answer is, of course, money. There is no "suggested amount". Feel free to donate however much you can afford to part with, even if it may seem to you to be too little. I didn't develop this site to get rich, but it costs me money to maintain — directly through hosting; indirectly through the time invested in it. Every donation makes a difference, no matter how small or how large it is.

I also love music. This passion inspires and motivates the development and maintenance of the site. If you cannot or do not want to donate money, I would love to receive all the promotional material you can afford to part with. I am always keen on new and interesting music, even if it isn't necessarily related to noise. My tastes encompass many genres and styles.

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How can you donate?

PayPal is the easiest and most convenient method to donate money. Simply click the button below if you have a PayPal account and wish to make a donation by those means.

If you cannot or do not want to use PayPal, but still want to make a contribution (perhaps physical items), contact me and we can make alternative arrangements.

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